The FiT Reader is IPICO's low cost Dual Frequency (DF) reader used mainly for fitness and training activities.
The FiT Reader comes with cable antennas and must be used in conjunction with IPICO's Power Tag.
The reader is designed for scholastic fitness tests and other training activities such as shuttle runs, sports performance tests, military tests, and clinical test. It can be used for singular testing or bulk testing.
In addition, the FiT Reader is a low-cost split timing point solution in sporting events.

Key Features
- Compliant with USA, European, Australian, and RSA spectrum allocations.
- Robust anti-collision protocol (up to 120 tags simultaneously)
- Durable, ergonomically shaped case with carry handle, watertight when closed
- Real Time Clock
- Valid tag read and status indicators
- Battery charge level indicator
- Transmit level (tuning) indicator
- Connects to 2 transmit and receive antenna sets
- Transmit antenna auto-tuning, making the STK Lite Reader robust and effective in most environments
- Internal battery pack (3.5 hours minimum, continuous)
- Range 0.6 – 1.5m depending on tag
- DSP enhanced receivers
- Data & control: Serial USB for diagnostics; Ethernet for tag read data output
- Ethernet status and activity indicator
- Synchronisation push-button for digital marker insertion into data stream