Generic Shoe Tag

IPICO’s Dual Frequency RFID Technology uses the same IP-X multi-read protocol as its UHF products, but the low frequencies used, (125kHz power-up and 6.8MHz return signal), can penetrate through “lossy” media without the tag antenna detuning, and the high attenuation encountered with UHF systems. Because of the high tag transmit carrier frequency, high data rates are achievable (up to 128kbit/sec), resulting in fast reading of multiple tags in the beam. Dual Frequency technology allows for longer ranges to be achieved than single frequency technologies. This is because the tag data carrier frequency (6.8 MHz) is much higher than the power-up frequency (125 kHz).

Due to these unique features and the robust multi-read anti-collision properties of the IP-X protocol, Dual Frequency technology lends itself ideally to “Free-Flow” people tracking, which means that the tag does not need to be specially. presented to the reader. Sports time-keeping is just one application. Others are access control and attendance monitoring (e.g. at conferences).

Generic Shoe Tag



Key FeaturesKey Features

  • Low cost single chip solution
  • Compliant with USA, European, Australian, and RSA spectrum allocations
  • Dual frequency (Transmit 125kHz / Receive 6.8MHz)
  • Long read range – 0.6 m (can be more depending on reader/tag configuration)
  • Robust Anti-collision protocol (up to 120 tags read simultaneously)
  • Fast moving tags (10 m/sec) can reliably be read using the Elite or Lite readers
  • Factory programmed 64 bit ID number
  • High tag transmission rate (128 kbits/sec)
  • High tag read rate – up to 120 tags/sec
  • Passive – no battery
  • –40 to +85 OC temperature range
  • Four holes for lace-up
  • 35×20mm Area to place Race number label
  • Waterproof